I never expected  to reach more than a million hits on this website, and so I only included  a 7 digit hit counter. As of 05/26/24... the site has 9,904,739 visits... at 10 million, the counter will reset to zero.

When that happens, just add 10 million to the total count. :)

<= Click link   to see Finished pics and video of the  "The Grem Reaper"

Pflugerville City Council

Initial Approval Of

Cap Metro Boondoogle!


Petition is to change Pflugerville City Charter to  set a  100K dollar cap on

all Certificate of Obligation (CO's) usage, except for emergency situations.

Pflugerville City Councilman

Jim McDonald's


you are site visitor

Keep Pflugerville Affordable   T- SHIRTS : Sold At Cost + $2.00  100% of ALL Proceeds are applied to the fight to Keep Pflugerville Affordable

Order at


Pflugerville City Council

Votes For Max Tax Rate

Three Years In A Row

Keep Pflugerville Affordable!